
This is just a text to prove the buig.

A name is automatically given to your search based on the URL, but you can modify the Name of the search engine field if you wish; this is only for your benefit as the name is only shown in the Google Custom Search backend. Once named, click the Create button to create the search.
The search is now created, but we have to make a few changes and grab some important information for later when we set-up the search in Publii. Click on the Get code button to be taken to the Edit search engine section.


testg gfgdfhfhfdh A name is automatically given to your search based on the URL, but you can modify the Name of the search engine field if you wish; this is only for your benefit as the name is only shown in the Google Custom Search backend. Once named, click the Create button to create the search.
The search is now created, but we have to make a few changes and grab some important information for later when we set-up the search in Publii. Click on the Get code button to be taken to the Edit search engine section.



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